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Men's Fellowship Breakfast

Sunday, Jan 21 @ 9:00AM
Our Common Ground congregation is hosting a monthly men's gathering - join in for breakfast burritos, coffee, and the Word!  Please RSVP in advance so we know how many to plan for. Check out this invite video from our Butler men to find out a bit more! 

Community Meal

Sunday, April 28 @ 5:00PM
Stay tuned for details on our upcoming Community Meal taking place Sunday evening, April 28! There will be activities for adults, youth, and kids. We'd love to see you there! RSVP here.  Additional details on the event page here.

Women's Bible Study Group

Wednesdays @ 10:00AM
The fall Women's Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings here at Butler Church. Click here to learn more and sign up!  

New Member Testimonies

Sunday Mar 17 @ 3:00PM
Join us this Sunday to hear the faith stories of those preparing to join in membership. Consider bringing a snack for this sharing time in the Family Center. This is a special time to hear and to support those whose story now joins ours as members of the Butler Church family.  
Annual Events reuse 

Prayer Gatherings

January 8-28, 2024
Let’s begin the year with our attention attuned to God and what He wants to accomplish in our individual lives, the life of our church, and in our city. Churches in Fresno/Clovis are again joining together for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at the start of the new year. Click here for more information, including a daily devotional, and prayer gatherings taking place each evening in person and online at various locations. 

A note about Fasting: This is about more much more than than “giving up” - it’s about making room! Fasting from a meal, a particular food, or an activity, creates a “space” in us for God to fill. Prayer is communication with God; it's a two-way conversation where we speak and listen. 

Combined Service

Sunday, February 23 @ 9:30AM
Our next All-Church Combined Service us coming up! Join us for worship in multiple languages together with people from all of Butler our congregations! There will be one worship service at 10AM, which will also be available online. We will be hearing from our partner agencies and taking a special offering for their support. You can find out more here! Join in before the worship service for fellowship in our courtyard during Butler Cafe. 

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31 @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM
All are welcome to join us on Easter Sunday - and any Sunday! We'll be celebrating our risen Christ through music prayer, and reading scripture in the most familiar language of the congregation: Lao, English, or Spanish. We will meet on our regular worship schedule with a fellowship and coffee time in between at 10:15AM. There will be activities for children as well during the 10:45AM service time. Looking forward to celebrating together with you.

Meet & Treat

Thursday, Oct 31 @ 5:00 PM
It's pumpkin time again, and our annual Meet & Treat community event is just around the corner! Join in for a family friendly evening filled with free hot dogs, drinks, hot chocolate, and popcorn. And of course tons of candy at the trunk or treat! Find out more on the Event Page

Missions Sunday

Sunday Nov 17 @ 9:30AM
Each November we take extra time to highlight Butler supported mission work and missionaries. Coming up on Missions Sunday, we will have a combined service of all our Butler congregations, take a special offering in support of our missionaries and future mission opportunities. Join in starting with Butler Cafe, and plan to stay after the service for lunch together! You can find more information about Missions Sunday here.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Tuesday, December 24 @ 6:00 PM
Join us on Christmas eve to celebrate Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, and Christ - the light of the world! As is tradition, we will conclude the evening with carols by candlelight in the courtyard. For more details, visit the event page here
Week of June 7

We have a new theme and key verse for the month of June! 

This week's Big Idea is: Jesus is worth worshipping.

Let's talk about it:
1. How is being part of your church family like being a part of your own family?
2. How is it different ?
3. What are some things we do together as a church that make you feel most like it’s a big family?

The key verse for this month is Ephesians 3:18.

The verse is below along with information from Teacher Maria. Here's this week's video!
Key Verse: "He was given authority, glory, and a kingdom. People of all nations, no matter what language they spoke, worshipped him." Daniel 7:14
See below for how to engage further with the verse and theme of these God stories each week! 
What do you remember about our Bible story? 
In today's God story, we get to see how the early church family began to grow and spread as more and more people heard the good news about Jesus.
• Who did Paul meet in Corinth? (Aquila and Priscilla) 
• What job did Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla have in common? (Tentmaking) 
• What listened to Paul? (Many of the Jewish people) 
•. How did the church family grow in this story? (Share in your own words) 

Let's talk about it: 
Parents, share your own experience of how you heard the good news. 
Pray. Thank you Jesus for coming to show us your love, save us from sin and share your peace. We’re so glad to be part of your church family. We love you. Amen.
!  Watch for the key verse to practice, and when you're ready, share it with Teacher Maria! It brings her so much JOY!

?  What did you think of the God story? Now you get to share about it with a family member or friend! 

>  Unpack it here: Let's talk about it!
 If you need the password to the curriculum lesson, contact Maria Galvan or the Church Office. Thanks!
!  Watch for the key verse to practice, and when you're ready, share it with Teacher Maria! It brings her so much JOY!

?  What did you think? Now you get to share about it with a family member or friend! 
Helpful Links!

Blog for Parents: Lesson plans, crafts, ideas, and more

Church at Home main page

Sermon Notes from Home

Here's a fun way to follow along with Church at Home on Sunday mornings! Click on the image for a file to print.


Sunday worship in person and online

at 9am and 10:45am

All-Church Combined Service 

Sunday February 26 

 9:30AM Cafe - 10:00AM Service

details here

Picnic Sunday! May 19

9:00AM prayer service at Butler Church

10:00AM outdoor service & potluck at FPU

details here

All-Church Combined Service 

Sunday August 14 @ 9:15AM

details here

Worship services are available online along with Church at Home resources.

** Join us in person this Sunday, March 7 for outdoor worship services! ** Click here for details.

On August 15 join us at 10:00 AM for our combined service!

Our Worship Services

9:00 AM English & Lao | 10:15 am Butler Cafe | 10:45 AM English & Spanish
Church at home

Church at Home

Grace and Peace to you church. Since we will not be gathering together for on our church campus for worship services for awhile yet, we want to encourage everyone to reserve time to worship where they are. To help you with that, here you'll find video messages from Pastor Scott, songs to lead you into worship, as well as resources for children.

Communion together June 7 at 10:40 am via Zoom. Click here for the link. 

Common Ground Church at Home
with Pastor Scott
with Pastor Jim
Amor y Fe mensaje en espanol 
con Pastor Elbio

Meetings On Campus

    It has been nearly a year since COVID19 turned our world upside down and interrupted our ability to worship together in person as a church. As we begin to emerge from yet another surge of infection, many of you are wondering when we can return to regular in person worship services. We will continue to worship together online, and when congregations are ready and weather permits, outdoors together in person. We will also now be making available indoor spaces for in person gatherings not involving singing. We will continue to require masks, social distancing, and sign-ins for in person gatherings. 

     As a staff and council, we continue to monitor the latest recommendations and guidelines offered by health experts and governing authorities. The decisions we make regarding safely gathering in person are determined not only by those guidelines but even more so by our desire to love Jesus and our neighbors. 

    It is our overwhelming desire that we can soon return to a regular in-person worship schedule. Let us continue to pray that God would rid us of COVID, that the vaccines and ongoing preventative measures would be increasingly effective, and that we can once again enjoy the incredible gift of worshiping and fellowshipping together. 

February 17, 2021    |   Covid Guidelines page

Back to Campus Plan

Butler Church has moved back to Step One of our Campus Reopening Plan. This means:

We are continuing to offer new Church at Home worship services to participate in from home, and connecting by phone and through digital resources like email and Zoom.

This change is related to the CA order on July 13 reducing indoor gatherings, and in response to local conditions.
Butler Church is on a modified Step Two of our Campus Reopening Plan. This means:

We are continuing to offer Church at Home worship services to participate in from home,
including livestream via Facebook and YouTube. 

Some outdoor gatherings are taking place as weather allows, and 
we are also connecting by phone and through digital resources like email and Zoom,

This change is related to the county's change in mid-November to the purple tier, and in response to local conditions.
Butler Church Campus Reopening 

Butler Church is currently on Step Two of reopening the church campus. This means:

Outdoor/Indoor on campus gatherings of small groups or modified worship services.

 No children's ministry or childcare will be provided. 
• Indoor gatherings are now taking place as approved by the state order for our county.
• Worship services will be shorter than usual without a cafe gathering time.
• Social Distancing guidelines are still in place.
• Details available in our Campus Reopening Plan.
Back to Campus Guidelines
We’re glad to be able to welcome you back to the church campus! 
For the safety of your health and our Butler family, please note the following guidelines before you come:

Back to Campus Guidelines
When we are able to move forward again to Step Two (small group gatherings), 
please note the following Butler guidelines before coming to the church campus, Thank you!
Screening for Symptoms
If you, or any member of your household, have any of the following symptoms or have you experienced them within the last 14 days, please stay home.  
  • Fever, Cough, Shortness of Breath, and/or  
  • Chills, Muscle Pain, Sore Throat, Loss of Smell or Taste

Social Distancing Guidelines
When arriving and while on campus, please follow standard social distancing guidelines.
  • Wear a mask covering your face and nose, and
  • Remain 6ft apart from those not in your family group
  • Children should stay with adult family members the entire time
What to expect:
  • All frequently touched surfaces will have been cleaned in advance by our sanitizing team
  • A designated greeter will ask you screening questions re the symptoms listed above
  • Check in / Sign in with your name and phone number
  • Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the meeting space
  •  Extra masks will be available (supplies are limited, so please try to bring your own)
  • A campus host will help you find seating as a family group
  • Restroom use will be available in specific locations
  • Some areas of the campus will be closed (kitchen, playground, water fountains)

  • If you are in a high risk category (older adult, or immunocompromised) you are encouraged to evaluate your level of risk, and if needed remain at home, connecting online when possible.
  • Bring along your own reusable water bottle or closed drink container since drinking fountains will be turned off (labelling your bottle with your name is a good idea)
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before touching your face
  • Our Safe Campus team has CDC information regarding Covid-19 if you have any questions

       * If interested in volunteering, please call or email the church office for additional information on a training meeting.

Back to Campus Survey
As we make preparations to open our church campus for worship gatherings in the future, we need your help. Please take a moment to respond a few questions so we might better understand the needs and availability of our church body.  Click here for the Back to Campus Survey
Opening the Church Campus
Please see the full update below for our campus reopening plan.  

With the safety of our church family and community in mind, opening the campus will require careful planning and many new resources, including volunteers. You can help by responding to the Back to Campus Survey, and continuing to engage, care, and serve each other. 

updated June 10, 2020


Outdoor worship services will be taking place on Sunday, March 7 in the Butler Church courtyard. For details, visit our Events page.

Meetings On Campus

    It has been nearly a year since COVID19 turned our world upside down and interrupted our ability to worship together in person as a church. As we begin to emerge from yet another surge of infection, many of you are wondering when we can return to regular in person worship services. We will continue to worship together online, and when congregations are ready and weather permits, outdoors together in person. We will also now be making available indoor spaces for in person gatherings not involving singing. We will continue to require masks, social distancing, and sign-ins for in person gatherings. 

     As a staff and council, we continue to monitor the latest recommendations and guidelines offered by health experts and governing authorities. The decisions we make regarding safely gathering in person are determined not only by those guidelines but even more so by our desire to love Jesus and our neighbors. 

    It is our overwhelming desire that we can soon return to a regular in-person worship schedule. Let us continue to pray that God would rid us of COVID, that the vaccines and ongoing preventative measures would be increasingly effective, and that we can once again enjoy the incredible gift of worshiping and fellowshipping together. 

February 17, 2021    |   Covid Guidelines page

We encourage everyone to practice the following safe practices:
• Wash your hands thoroughly and often, and refrain from touching your face.
• Cover your mouth with a tissue or the crook of your arm when coughing or sneezing.
• Look out for others. As we seek to distance ourselves physically, let us not neglect our care and concern for one another. Phone calls transmit no germs! 
• Remain home if sick. Stay home, get well, and let others know so we can pray for you.
• Limit physical contact. We can still offer warm smiles, waves and humble bows!
• Please be prepared wear a mask while on the church campus. 

With every challenge comes opportunity. Pray that God might use each of us to offer grace and peace to our community. Pray for our pastors and leaders as we discern ways to continue the fellowship and mission of the church. Be confident church, for God is able to do exceedingly more than we can hope or imagine. 
Previous updates available here:
Periodic Events

Neighborhood Clean Up Day

We love our community and one practical way we are doing that is by adopting Winery Ave and keeping it clean! Join us for our next Saturday clean up on Winery and at Pilibos Park. We have partnered with Beautify Fresno and they provide all supplies needed. All we need is people to sign up, show up and clean up! Help also welcomed preparing drinks and snacks, and to pray while our group is at work. Join our newsletter email list for updates on additional clean up dates!
Next on: Saturday, Sept @ 8:45 AM

Community Meal

We're hosting a Community Meal evening this month with fun and meaningful activities for children, youth, and adults. We will gather back for some dessert at the conclusion to our evening. The meal is free, though donations will be welcome. Hope you and a neighbor will join us! Please RSVP HERE to let us know you're coming!

On: Sunday, August 27 @ 5:00pm

Neighborhood Clean Up Day

We love our community and one practical way we are doing that is by adopting Winery Ave and keeping it clean! Join us for our next Saturday clean up on Winery and at Pilibos Park. We have partnered with Beautify Fresno and they provide all supplies needed. All we need is people to sign up, show up and clean up! Help also welcomed preparing drinks and snacks, and to pray while our group is at work. Note: During winter, these service days will be weather permitting. Join our newsletter email list for updates!
Next on: Saturday, June 3 @ 8:45 AM

Sister Circles

Sister Circle gatherings are this week! Created especially for Butler women and friends, Sister Circles are small groups that meet at various times to accommodate varying schedules. We are following along with the current Sister Studies series, about which you can find out more here. Groups are meeting next Friday evening at Starbucks, and Sunday @ 9:15AM in addition to the Wednesday morning group. Let us know if you'd like to join in!
Next: April 23 @ 9:15 AM

Youth Fundraiser

Sunday, February 9 AM
Support our youth heading to Winter Camp this month! They're hosting a food fundraiser of lunch bowls; order and then pick up this Sunday! Menu options: Chicken curry, Fried Rice, Baked Chicken. Suggested donation: $10 or more per bowl. Thanks!!
Youth Fundraiser Orders

Men's Ministry Fundraiser

Sunday, February 16 AM
A Butler men's group is also forming to go to Man Camp in March...so that means we get another yummy fundraiser! Menu: Chicken or Pork tacos, rice and pasta salad. Suggested donation: $10 or more per plate. Order now and pay at pick up on Feb 16.
Taco Fundraiser Orders

LivingUndivided Cohort

We’re pleased to partner with Every Neighborhood Partnership to host LivingUNDIVIDED here at Butler this spring! This a 6-week cohort experience designed for individuals from churches and faith-based organizations that are open and interested in exploring the intersection of faith and race, in pursuit of racial solidarity and justice. The cohort will meet on Monday evenings beginning February 27. If you are interested in participating, be sure to register here by the beginning of February. Note that there is a $10 fee to contribute toward materials and facilitiators. This is an open invitation, so feel free to share with others who may be interested. 
Beginning: Monday, February 27 @ 6:30 PM

Meal and More for May

Save the date for a special Meal & More event with food and fun! All our friends and neighbors are invited to enjoy dinner followed by special activities for kids (K-6), youth (7-12) and adults. If you’d like to help out, talk with Pastor Scott. More details are on the event page here!
On: Thursday, May 5 @ 6:00 PM

Prayer Gathering

All are welcome as we join together in prayer for our church family and current needs in our community & country. This gathering takes place every 2nd Wednesday of the month. This will be our first time meeting again in person on campus for prayer together! We are planning to meet in the Family Center, or in the courtyard if the weather seems inviting. Please do wear a facemask when you are on campus. Thank you. 
Next on: Wednesday, April 14 @ 6:30pm

Summer Kids Club

July 23-25 @ 5:00 pm
We are planning some activity days for kids this summer! Our Kids' Club (aka VBS) will be the evenings of July 23-25; Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday. Click HERE to sign up your kids, or find more info at butlerchurch.org/kidsclub. Children entering grades 1-6 will enjoy God centered music, crafts, games, story time and much more. Mark your calendar to join us again on Sunday for worship and our community meal, which will include highlights from Kids Club! Any questions, please contact our church office! 559-252-3741 / info @ butlerchurch.org

Combined Service

Our next All-Church Combined Service us coming up! Join us for worship in multiple languages together with people from all of Butler our congregations! There will be one worship service at 10AM, which will also be available online. We will be hearing from our partner agencies and taking a special offering for their support. You can find out more here! Join in before the worship service for fellowship in our courtyard during Butler Cafe. 
On: Sunday, February 26 at 9:30am

Cultural Celebration Night

Sunday, September 24 @ 5:00 PM
We're looking forward to a great evening together this Sunday! We'll have an evening full of great food and connections, celebrating the many cultures at Butler Church and in our community! You can find out more on the event page here.

Combined Service

Sunday, August 14 at 9:30am
Our next All-Church Combined Service will be taking place in August, at back to school time.  Join us for worship in multiple languages together with people from all of Butler our congregations! There will be children's classes for K-6th during the service as well. The morning will start with Butler Cafe in our courtyard; join us early for coffee or tea and goodies! There will be one worship service at 10AM, which will also be available online. During the service we'll be praying over all the students, teachers, & administrators heading back to school or resuming coursework - wear your school shirt! Parents and alumni are invited to join in and do the same. 

Youth Gatherings

Sunday June 3 @ 4:00PM 
Youth group takes place Sunday afternoons and all youth grades 7-12 are invited to join in! Find us in the youth room next to the main office every Sunday at 4:00 pm. Our youth leadership team is planning fun, games, snacks, and a look at how we find God in everyday life. Come ready to join in...friends definitely welcome! 

Ash Wednesday Service

This week marks the beginning of Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday. All are welcome to join in a service of confessional scripture reading and prayer this Wednesday evening, in the Family Center. 

Lent is the season in which we prepare for the remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection. Traditionally, during Lent many people take up a spiritual practice like fasting to focus more attention upon Christ and his cross. It can also be a time we intentionally say Yes to something as we let go of other habits.
Next on: March 22 @ 6:30pm

Combined Service

Our next All-Church Combined Service will be taking place on Palm Sunday. Join us for worship in multiple languages together with people from all of Butler our congregations! There will be a special activities for the children during the service as well. The morning will start with Butler Cafe in our courtyard; join us early for coffee or tea and cake to celebrate spring birthdays and anniversaries! 

The following Sunday will be Easter! We will resume our regular morning schedule and there will be activities for children during the 10:45AM worship service time, 

On: Sunday, April 2 at 9:30am

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31 @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM
All are welcome to join us on Easter Sunday - and any Sunday! We'll be celebrating our risen Christ through music prayer, and reading scripture in the most familiar language of the congregation: Lao, English, or Spanish. We will meet on our regular worship schedule with a fellowship and coffee time in between at 10:15AM. There will be activities for children as well during the 10:45AM service time. Looking forward to celebrating together with you.

Annual Church Picnic

Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 21 for an outdoor service and potluck lunch on the nearby campus of Fresno Pacific University! Please plan to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Picnic Sunday is a great opportunity to fellowship & play together as a church family, and we also would like to have fun activities for all ages. If you are interested in volunteering in a specific way or helping with the meal, talk with Pastor Scott or sign up here! Thanks.   

More picnic details: butlerchurch.org/picnic
On: Sunday, May 21

Movie Night!

Come on over for an outdoor family movie night! We'll have free popcorn, and free Kona Ice for everyone! Bottled water and sodas will also be available for purchase. Bring a blanket or lawnchair and join us in the courtyard. We'll be practicing social distancing; please bring a facemask along but you don't need to wear it when sitting with your group. The movie will start at dark. Invite your friends and neighbors for fun evening together! We'll be watching the animated movie Soul. 

Click here to RSVP for popcorn and sno cones!
Butler Church is on the corner of Butler & Winery at 4884 E. Butler Ave.
On: Friday evening, May 28 @ 8:15PM

Community Event

Stay tuned for details on a community event being planned for this summer! Past community events hosted by Butler have included a movie night, a farmer's market, and a community family celebration. This one will be on a Friday in August. If you'd like to receive updates on upcoming events, you can let us know here

Next in: August (TBA)

Missions Sunday

Sunday Nov 12 @ 9:30AM
Each November we take extra time to highlight Butler supported mission work and missionaries. Coming up on Missions Sunday, we will have a combined service of all our Butler congregations, take a special offering in support of our missionaries and future mission opportunities. Join in starting with Butler Cafe, and plan to stay after the service for lunch together! You can find more information about Missions Sunday here.

Egg Roll Fundraiser

Sunday, Nov 19 
Our Asian Grace congregation is putting on another one of their famous eggroll fundraisers! Pick up will be one day only, but you can order now to reserve yours! Payment can be made online, or at the time of pick up. Details are on the order form. You can also order in person this Sunday. Pick up will be available after each the worship services (at 10:15AM or 12:00 noon). 

Outdoor Communion Service 

We will be having an evening outdoor communion service, hosted by our Common Ground congregation, in the Butler Church courtyard. All are welcome, but a reservation is needed to help in our planning. Plan to bring your Bible, and an optional water bottle and folding chair or blanket, and remember to follow social distancing practices in our Back to Campus guidelines. Additional information about this event is in the reservation form. 

 If you would like to attend, please RSVP here.  We are looking forward to this opportunity to see each other and proclaim Jesus' death and resurrection together.

Next on: Sunday, August 9 at 7:00 pm

Outdoor Communion Service 

An outdoor communion service is taking place this Sunday, hosted by our Common Ground congregation, in the Butler Church courtyard. All are welcome! Plan to bring your Bible, and an optional water bottle or folding chair. There will be time for sharing or testimonies, prayer, and communion. We are looking forward to this opportunity to see each other and worship together.

* No reservations are required, but please remember to follow social distancing practices in our Back to Campus guidelines, including wearing a facemask that covers your face and nose. As much as we want to see each other, if you do not feel well, please stay home and join us online. 
Next on: Sunday, Feburary 7 @ 12:00 pm
Communion Online Together
Communion together this Sunday online via Zoom. Click here to request the link. 
Next on: Sunday, July 5 at 11:00 am

Women's Gathering 

Ladies, let’s get together!! Join us this Saturday for an in-person gathering. All Butler women and friends are welcome. We'll have a time of sharing, prayer, and encouragement in the the courtyard shade. Looking forward to seeing you! For more info, contact Melissa Ens (559-825-1213). 

Note: We will be practicing social distancing, so please do wear a facemask. Food/drinks will not be provided, though you are welcome to bring your own water bottle or coffee along! You can refer to our Safe Campus guidelines here.

Next on: 
Saturday, September 26 at 10:00 am

Sister Circles

Our next Sister Circle gatherings are this week! Created especially for Butler women and friends, Sister Circles are small groups that meet at various times to accomodate varying schedules. We are following along with the current Sister Studies series, about which you can find out more here. Groups are meeting this Sunday AM, Wednesday AM, and Friday PM. Let us know if you'd like to join in!

On:Week of April 18

 Women's Ministry Gatherings

Ladies, are welcome to join in our new study series starting this month. Small groups are also gathering online or in person each month. For more information or to sign up, visit our Sister Circles page.  
Next on: Week of February 21

Sister Circles Gatherings

Ladies, you're invited to join in learning more together about Knowing God. The video series is available online, and small groups gather once a month to share about what we're learning from scripture and each other as sisters in Christ. Current times are Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon. If an evening would work better for you, let us know! You can find out more about Sister Circles here
Next on: Sunday, October 17 @ 9:30 AM
Wednesday, October 20  @ 10:00 AM
 Sister Circles follow along with the Sister Studies series. You can join a small group to share together about the study and encourage and pray for each other. These groups meet once a month with several schedule times available. Find out more about Sister Circles here.

Lunch Gatherings

We're planning some opportunities to connect in person for a potluck lunch following the Sunday services. Mark your calendar for June 25 & August 6! We’ll have lunch, and enjoy some testimony and prayer time, too.

Our lunch this Sunday will be in the youth room (near the church office). If you're able to bring a item for the salad bar, you can drop off it off in the youth room during Butler cafe.

You can RSVP for lunch here!

Prayer Gatherings

For information on this evening's prayer gathering, visit: northparkchurch.org/series/nightly-prayer-and-fasting-services-2023 
. . . .
Let’s begin the year with our attention attuned to God and what He wants to accomplish in our individual lives, the life of our church, and in our city. Churches in Fresno/Clovis are again joining together for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at the start of the new year. The dates are January 9-29. Click here for more information, including a daily devotional, and prayer gatherings taking place each evening in person and online at various locations. 

Fasting is about more much more than than “giving up” - it’s about making room! Fasting from a meal, a particular food, or an activity, creates a “space” in us for God to fill. Prayer is communication with God; it's a two-way conversation where we speak and listen. [read more here] 
Each night: January 9-29

Prayer Gatherings

Nightly Prayer Schedule
January 6-26, 2025
Let’s begin the year with our attention attuned to God and what He wants to accomplish in our individual lives, the life of our church, and in our city. Churches in Fresno/Clovis are again joining together for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at the start of the new year. Click here for more information, including a daily devotional, and prayer gatherings taking place each evening in person and online at various locations. (Note; there will not be a gathering at Butler Church this year, but we are encouraging all to participate!)

A note about Fasting: This is about more much more than than “giving up” - it’s about making room! Fasting from a meal, a particular food, or an activity, creates a “space” in us for God to fill. Prayer is communication with God; it's a two-way conversation where we speak and listen. 

Fruits & Veggies  Dinner & Snacks  |  Entertainment  |  Info & Directions  

We're looking forward to hosting this community event in partnership with People's Church southeast! In addition to the fresh food for the farmer's market, there will be Live Music, Dance, kids' activities, and an inspirational message from Marcus Marshall. Also, Free Burgers, Hot Dogs, and more! Mark your calendar and invite a neighbor! Come enjoy a great time together. For directions and more details, click HERE.

On: Friday evening, July 30 from 5:30-8:00 pm

Men's Gathering

We are inviting all of our men to join us for dinner, fellowship and encouragement from the Word this coming Wednesdayin the church courtyard. We will be having asada tacos! You must RSVP online here or contact the office by noon on the 21st so we can be sure to have enough food! Donations for dinner welcome but not required.   

On: Wednesday, April 21 at 6:00 pm

Meet & Treat

Our Meet & Treat community event is back! Come join us for a family-friendly evening. New this year: a trunk- or-treat in the parking lot. We’re looking forward to a fun time together! You can find additional details on the event page here

On: Sunday, October 31  @ 5-8PM

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join us on Christmas eve to celebrate Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, and Christ - the light of the world! As is tradition, we will conclude the evening with carols by candlelight in the courtyard. For more details, visit the event page here. Note: We will also have a few worship services on Christmas day! The English service will be at 10:00 am.

Next on: Saturday, December 24 @ 6:00PM

Kings' Day Celebration for Children

Our Amor y Fe congregation will be hosting a Gran Festival para Niños in January 2023! To sign up children in your family, please talk with Pastor Elbio or our children's ministry director, Maria Galvan, in advance this Sunday!
On: January 8 afternoon

Joint Congregational Worship Service 

Sunday, October 22 @ 10:45AM
Today our Amor y Fe congregation will be joining together with Common Ground for worship in the sanctuary. We're looking forward to this special time of fellowship! Pastor Scott will be speaking and Lawrence Smith will lead us in worship in songs in both English and Spanish. 

Hoy nuestra congregación Amor y Fe se unirá con Common Ground para adorar en el santuario. ¡Estamos anticipando este momento especial de compañerismo! El pastor Scott hablará y Lawrence Smith nos guiará en la adoración con canciones en inglés y español.
Amor y Fe

- Este Domingo 26 de Febrero @ 10AM un servicio combinado -

[leer mas aqui]

Communion Together

Domingo 7 de junio 
@ 10:40 am
con la familia Butler y pastores 

Prepárese con pan o galletas saladas, y jugo o agua en su hogar.

      CONECTATE!    Domingos 10:45 a.m. y los Viernes 8:00 p.m.

en Vivo por Facebook con Pastor Elbio

Servicios de adoración 10:45 am los domingos

9:00 AM Inglés y Lao | 10:15 am Butler Cafe | 10:45 AM Español y Inglés


en Vivo por Facebook con Pastor Elbio
Domingo 11:00 am y los Viernes 8:00 p.m
Church at Home recursos están disponibles en Facebook & YouTube

Oración y Ayuno

Las iglesias locales de toda la ciudad vuelven a unirse para celebrar 21 días de oración y ayuno al comienzo del nuevo año. Es una oportunidad para buscar a Dios juntos e invitar a su poder y presencia a llenar nuestras vidas, nuestras iglesias y nuestras comunidades. Comencemos el año con nuestra atención puesta en Dios y en lo que Él quiere lograr en nuestras vidas individuales, en la vida de nuestra iglesia y en nuestra ciudad. [leer más]

El domingo de picnic es una gran oportunidad para compartir y jugar juntos como familia de la iglesia. ¡Vecinos y amigos también son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros!

Por favor traiga comida o un postre para compartir. Hamburguesas, perritos calientes, bebidas, untensils estarán disponibles. Para mas informacion y indicaciones, por favor haga clic aquí.

Tenemos Fe en Dios!

"En estos tiempos es fácil desanimarse al oir las noticias y los comentarios que nos traen inseguridad acerca del futuro. Nadie sabe aún cuando esta pandemia terminará y como continuará la vida con este “nuevo normal” como estilo de vida. Pero los hijos e hijas de Dios sabemos que Dios Padre nos ha dado algo firme y seguro para permanecer en constante estado de victoria y progreso en nuestro andar con El: La Fe en Dios!..."  .[leer más]

Pastor Elbio y Sandra Carballo

Amado/a hermano/a en Cristo: ....Valorar el lugar al cual Dios nos ha llamado a participar y crecer con El. Yo siempre uso el lema "conéctate con la Bendición" en los avisos del Facebook Live. Es algo que Yo creo realmente! Yo creo que uno se puede conectar con la Bendición por medio del "participar" del "estar presente" del estar "en posición conectado con expectación de recibir y de dar". Posicionado para recibir por medio de mi Fe en Dios unida al cuerpo espiritual de Cristo Su Igle sia! Cosas unicas suceden cuando estamos juntos y en armonia! [leer más]

Common  Ground

Common Ground Worship Services

Join in this Sunday @ 10:45 am live on Facebook and YouTube.

This Sunday February 26

SPECIAL TIME! 9:30AM Cafe | 10:00AM Combined Service

Common Ground Worship Services

Join in this Sunday @ 10:45 am live on Facebook and YouTube.

Our worship services are currently online only & posted here for Church at Home.

3 Ways to Join In This Sunday!

In person at 10:45am, via the Facebook livestream, or Church at Home

Common Ground Worship Services

Sunday Worship Service @ 10:45 am

In person in the Butler Church sanctuary - note covid guidelines here

• Live online at facebook.com/butlerchurch.

• Through Church at Home - an updated video of the this Sunday's service will be posted here during the week..

Common Ground update: Christmas edition

Undivided Series

This fall, we started a new series in the book of Ephesians - Undivided: God's Good Plan.

To dive in deeper throughout the week,

sign up to join a small group!

Small Groups at Butler

with Common Ground

5th Sunday in Common Ground

Every 5th Sunday of the month, we plan something a bit different for our time together. 

Please sign up to let us know how you can participate!
- Bring some goodies to share
- Help with setting up tables
- Help with clean up after the service

Friends and neighbors always welcome, too!  10:15 am Cafe | 10:45 Service

- June 2024

 Outdoor Worship Service 

Our next outdoor in-person worship service will be on Easter Sunday, April 2 at 10:45am. All are welcome! Visit our Events page for additional information. For now our worship services are online, but we hope to move toward more outdoor in person services as weather allows, for safe gatherings which will also accommodate singing together! We are looking forward to this opportunity to see each other and worship together.

Volume up on Jesus

In this season of Lent, let’s renew our focus daily by looking for ways to turn-up the volume on Jesus in our lives for the next 40 plus days. For more on this, and a list of ideas, click here! In Common Ground we in a new series, Beauty for Ashes. Perhaps, as you “turn up Jesus” in the weeks ahead he might reveal some of that beauty in the midst of the everyday. We want to hear about it!

Epiphany Sunday

What has God been stirring in your heart at the start of this New Year? Or, what are you seeking from Him? Epiphany Sunday is when we remember the Magi who sought Jesus, the newly born King! May we also seek to journey closer to God, and his heart for our world and those around us.
January 2023

 10:15 AM Butler Cafe

 10:45 AM worship in sanctuary & online

There are several activities coming up in this New Year! Check out our
Events page here!

Common Ground Worship Service

Sundays at 10:45 AM in the Worship Center

Childcare available; Children's classes during the sermon

Butler Church Sunday Schedule:
9:00 AM English & Lao | 10:15 am Butler Cafe | 10:45 AM English & Spanish

United Worship Sunday

On July 31 we will have a joint worship service with our Amor y Fe congregation! This bilingual service will be led by Pastor Elbio and include worship, prayer, and a message in both English and Spanish. Our speaker will be our own Harold Ens. The worship service will be in the Family Center with food around tables! Please note that the kids will remain with us during the service; they are invited to serve along side the adults as greeters, and ushers during the offering time!

Be sure to come early and enjoy our Butler Cafe fellowship time starting at 10:15AM  - updated July 29, 2022

Memorial Day Sunday

This Memorial Day weekend, it is fitting that we would take time to remember not just those who served our nation, but also those that have served, loved or shaped us in a meaningful way. 

During our service this Sunday (May 29) we plan to have a time in our service to share about the people or experiences we remember, whether they are still with us or passed long ago. As you pause to remember, you may want to share a memory during our open sharing time. We also welcome you to bring a picture or item to display on a table for others see.  Hope you can join us starting at 10:15AM for Butler Cafe!   
Missions Offering
A big part of our Butler Story has been the sending and support of missionaries both locally and globally. Our annual Missions Sunday is not only about celebrating the unfolding story of God’s work in the world, but also renewing our support both in prayer and giving. Follow butlerchurch.org/missions to read missionary updates and find out about this special Sunday and our BIG giving goal for this year!
Ministry Reports & Annual Church Business Meeting 
Each year in December for our annual church business meeting, we process any changes in council leadership, a budget proposal for the coming year, and ministry updates from council and ministry leaders looking back over the past year. This year our annual meeting will be on Sunday, December 5; you can read the reports here:   Ministry reports 2021 | Budget proposal for 2022
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Worship Services Update
Our Sunday worship services can be found via our Church at Home page with several being livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

While our Fresno County covid restrictions are in place, we will not be having indoor worship services, but some outdoor events will be planned, like our recent outdoor communion service and outdoor Christmas eve service. Watch for updates here and in our enewsetter!
Indoor Worship Services
We're glad to be able to worship in-person, indoors again! Our return to indoor services was on October 4, of course with social distancing practices in place. (Learn more about those here.) 

Livestream or video recordings will continue with the return to in person worship services, so if you aren't ready to come in person or monitoring covid symptoms in your household please connect via our Church at Home resources! Together we are the church regardless of where and how we gather! 
missions page

Missions Sunday November 20 at 10:00 AM!

All-church combined service & lunch + special missions offering

  Read more here | para español haga clic aqui!

Missions Sunday Lunch!

 Following our worship service, stay for a fellowship lunch to continue our thanksgiving celebration! We’ll enjoy delicious soups prepared by our talented Butler cooks, which reflect the multicultural ‘flavors’ of Butler. (You don’t need to bring anything for the meal!) There will also be a variety of yummy pies to feast on for dessert. Indoor seating will be available in both the Family Center and Room 14. 

Our giving goal for this year is $26,600 or more. "Give to Missions Offering" at butlerchurch.org/give or bring your gift on Missions Sunday!

Each November we take extra time to highlight Butler supported mission work and missionaries.

Check below as ministry updates and prayer requests are added!

 Missions Offering Update:

We are at 94% of our goal...just $1,150 to go!

Youth page 

Christmas Party Dec 22

Food - Gift Exchange

bring a $10 wrapped gift, and optional food to share!

Other handy stuff

More from Butler! Click on an image for more details.

Homepage news

Facemasks Available

Through Butler volunteers and a special donation, fabric facemasks are being made available upon request.

Change in Gatherings (text)
Indoor gatherings are currently on hold; some outdoor events will be taking place + online worship services.

Food Assistance

 Food assistance is available through our volunteer team and monthly food distribution; next on Friday Nov 6..

Giving Options

Financial gifts and offerings can be sent by mail, dropped off at the church office or by using our online giving link.
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