Sermon Notes from Home
Here's a fun way to follow along with Church at Home on Sunday mornings! Click on the image for a file to print.
Sunday worship in person and online
at 9am and 10:45am
Picnic Sunday! May 19
9:00AM prayer service at Butler Church
10:00AM outdoor service & potluck at FPU
Worship services are available online along with Church at Home resources.
** Join us in person this Sunday, March 7 for outdoor worship services! ** Click here for details.
On August 15 join us at 10:00 AM for our combined service!
It has been nearly a year since COVID19 turned our world upside down and interrupted our ability to worship together in person as a church. As we begin to emerge from yet another surge of infection, many of you are wondering when we can return to regular in person worship services. We will continue to worship together online, and when congregations are ready and weather permits, outdoors together in person. We will also now be making available indoor spaces for in person gatherings not involving singing. We will continue to require masks, social distancing, and sign-ins for in person gatherings.
As a staff and council, we continue to monitor the latest recommendations and guidelines offered by health experts and governing authorities. The decisions we make regarding safely gathering in person are determined not only by those guidelines but even more so by our desire to love Jesus and our neighbors.
It is our overwhelming desire that we can soon return to a regular in-person worship schedule. Let us continue to pray that God would rid us of COVID, that the vaccines and ongoing preventative measures would be increasingly effective, and that we can once again enjoy the incredible gift of worshiping and fellowshipping together.
February 17, 2021 | Covid Guidelines page
Outdoor worship services will be taking place on Sunday, March 7 in the Butler Church courtyard. For details, visit our Events page.
It has been nearly a year since COVID19 turned our world upside down and interrupted our ability to worship together in person as a church. As we begin to emerge from yet another surge of infection, many of you are wondering when we can return to regular in person worship services. We will continue to worship together online, and when congregations are ready and weather permits, outdoors together in person. We will also now be making available indoor spaces for in person gatherings not involving singing. We will continue to require masks, social distancing, and sign-ins for in person gatherings.
As a staff and council, we continue to monitor the latest recommendations and guidelines offered by health experts and governing authorities. The decisions we make regarding safely gathering in person are determined not only by those guidelines but even more so by our desire to love Jesus and our neighbors.
It is our overwhelming desire that we can soon return to a regular in-person worship schedule. Let us continue to pray that God would rid us of COVID, that the vaccines and ongoing preventative measures would be increasingly effective, and that we can once again enjoy the incredible gift of worshiping and fellowshipping together.
February 17, 2021 | Covid Guidelines page
Ladies, let’s get together!! Join us this Saturday for an in-person gathering. All Butler women and friends are welcome. We'll have a time of sharing, prayer, and encouragement in the the courtyard shade. Looking forward to seeing you! For more info, contact Melissa Ens (559-825-1213).
Note: We will be practicing social distancing, so please do wear a facemask. Food/drinks will not be provided, though you are welcome to bring your own water bottle or coffee along! You can refer to our Safe Campus guidelines here.
Next on: Saturday, September 26 at 10:00 am
Lunch Gatherings
We're planning some opportunities to connect in person for a potluck lunch following the Sunday services. Mark your calendar for June 25 & August 6! We’ll have lunch, and enjoy some testimony and prayer time, too.
Our lunch this Sunday will be in the youth room (near the church office). If you're able to bring a item for the salad bar, you can drop off it off in the youth room during Butler cafe.
You can RSVP for lunch here!
- Este Domingo 26 de Febrero @ 10AM un servicio combinado -
Oración y Ayuno
Las iglesias locales de toda la ciudad vuelven a unirse para celebrar 21 días de oración y ayuno al comienzo del nuevo año. Es una oportunidad para buscar a Dios juntos e invitar a su poder y presencia a llenar nuestras vidas, nuestras iglesias y nuestras comunidades. Comencemos el año con nuestra atención puesta en Dios y en lo que Él quiere lograr en nuestras vidas individuales, en la vida de nuestra iglesia y en nuestra ciudad.
[leer más]
El domingo de picnic es una gran oportunidad para compartir y jugar juntos como familia de la iglesia. ¡Vecinos y amigos también son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros!
Por favor traiga comida o un postre para compartir. Hamburguesas, perritos calientes, bebidas, untensils estarán disponibles. Para mas informacion y indicaciones, por favor haga clic aquí.
Tenemos Fe en Dios!
"En estos tiempos es fácil desanimarse al oir las noticias y los comentarios que nos traen inseguridad acerca del futuro. Nadie sabe aún cuando esta pandemia terminará y como continuará la vida con este “nuevo normal” como estilo de vida. Pero los hijos e hijas de Dios sabemos que Dios Padre nos ha dado algo firme y seguro para permanecer en constante estado de victoria y progreso en nuestro andar con El: La Fe en Dios!..." .[leer más]
Pastor Elbio y Sandra Carballo
Amado/a hermano/a en Cristo: ....Valorar el lugar al cual Dios nos ha llamado a participar y crecer con El. Yo siempre uso el lema "conéctate con la Bendición" en los avisos del Facebook Live. Es algo que Yo creo realmente! Yo creo que uno se puede conectar con la Bendición por medio del "participar" del "estar presente" del estar "en posición conectado con expectación de recibir y de dar". Posicionado para recibir por medio de mi Fe en Dios unida al cuerpo espiritual de Cristo Su Igle sia! Cosas unicas suceden cuando estamos juntos y en armonia!
[leer más]
This Sunday February 26
SPECIAL TIME! 9:30AM Cafe | 10:00AM Combined Service
3 Ways to Join In This Sunday!
In person at 10:45am, via the Facebook livestream, or Church at Home
Sunday Worship Service @ 10:45 am
• In person in the Butler Church sanctuary - note covid guidelines here
• Live online at
• Through Church at Home - an updated video of the this Sunday's service will be posted here during the week..
Undivided Series
This fall, we started a new series in the book of Ephesians - Undivided: God's Good Plan.
To dive in deeper throughout the week,
sign up to join a small group!
10:15 AM Butler Cafe
10:45 AM worship in sanctuary & online
There are several activities coming up in this New Year! Check out our
Events page here!
This Memorial Day weekend, it is fitting that we would take time to remember not just those who served our nation, but also those that have served, loved or shaped us in a meaningful way.
Missions Sunday November 20 at 10:00 AM!
All-church combined service & lunch + special missions offering
Missions Sunday Lunch!
Following our worship service, stay for a fellowship lunch to continue our thanksgiving celebration! We’ll enjoy delicious soups prepared by our talented Butler cooks, which reflect the multicultural ‘flavors’ of Butler. (You don’t need to bring anything for the meal!) There will also be a variety of yummy pies to feast on for dessert. Indoor seating will be available in both the Family Center and Room 14.
Our giving goal for this year is $26,600 or more. "Give to Missions Offering" at or bring your gift on Missions Sunday!
Each November we take extra time to highlight Butler supported mission work and missionaries.
Check below as ministry updates and prayer requests are added!
Missions Offering Update:
We are at 94% of our goal...just $1,150 to go!