
Sunday September 29 @ 5:00 PM

AM worship services | 5:00 PM Dinner & Program

Our Butler Church family and community is full of diversity and we love to celebrate it! When our stories and cultures are woven together, we get a greater glimpse of what God is doing in the world and how to know Him better.

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Better Together!

Butler Church is a beautifully diverse church family with worship services in 3 languages - English, Spanish, and Lao. We've grown as a multicultural family over the past 40 years. Our Cultural Celebration night is open to all who would like to eat, share, and celebrate with us! We'll be having a potluck meal, and sharing stories, music, and art from various cultures. We'll also share an inspiring word from scripture, which reveals God’s heart for ALL people to be woven together with His forever family through Jesus. 

Potluck Dinner

One of the ways that we often experience different cultures is through food. We are excited to share what we call “Butler’s Best” potluck meal with you. We will be bringing rich variety of our family favorites to enjoy and sample for dinner together outside in our courtyard. If you would like to share a family favorite you can sign up here.

Arts and Story

During our dinner we will enjoy the talents and stories of our church family in various ways. Dancing, music, art displays and stories will be woven throughout our evening together. We believe God has given each one of us unique talents, abilities, and experiences that when brought together reveal the expansive glory of God.   

I'd like to participate!

You are part of the story!

There is always more room at the table at our house! We would love for you to join us, and we’d love to get to know your story. Click below and we'll, send you a personal invitation and keep you updated on our future events as well. 

Hope you'll join us! Sign up for a reminder text here.

I'm Interested!

About Butler Church

Our multicultural church is located in southeast Fresno on the corner of Butler & Winery. 
Find out more about us here.

Sunday Worship Services: 
9:00 AM English & Lao 
10:45 AM English & Spanish

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