
Summer Kids Club   July 2024

July 23-25, 2024 @ 5-7pm Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday

Join us for Kids Club! We are planning some activity days for kids this summer! Our Kids' Club will be the evenings of July 23-25; Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday. Kids will enjoy God centered music, crafts, games, story time and much more. 

¡Únete a nosotras para Kids Club! ¡Estamos planeando algunos días de actividades para niños este verano! Nuestro Kids' Club estará disponible las noches del 23 al 25 de julio; Martes - Miércoles - Jueves. Los niños disfrutarán de música, manualidades, juegos, cuentos y mucho más centrados en Dios.

God at Work



We'll have games, songs, Bible stories, arts & crafts, and snacks! Be sure to check out the theme song below!

¡Tendremos juegos, canciones, historias bíblicas, manualidades y refrigerios! ¡Asegúrate de escuchar el tema musical a continuación!

God at Work

Dios obrando

Our theme this year is Concrete & Cranes, and our key verse is Philippians 1:6. We'll learn about how God is always at work in and around us!

Nuestro tema este año es Concreto y Grúas, y nuestro versículo temático es Filipenses 1:6. Aprenderemos cómo Dios siempre está obrando en nosotros y a nuestro alrededor.

There is no charge for this event; activities and snacks are all free. If you would like to or volunteer to help, please talk with Teacher Maria or contact the church office. Thanks!

No hay ningún cargo por este evento; Las actividades y los refrigerios son gratuitos.Si desea ayudar o ofrecerse como voluntario para ayudar, hable con la maestra María o comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia. ¡Gracias!


Butler Church is on the corner of Butler & Winery in Southeast Fresno:  4884 E. Butler Ave, Fresno CA 93727

Parking is available in the main lot off of Butler Ave. as well as in the small lot near the Family Center & community garden.

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Community Meal

Our next Community Meal on Sunday, July 28 will feature highlights from our Summer Kids Club! Mark your calendar and RSVP here, to let us know how many people to plan for. Thanks!

Food Distribution

On the first Friday of every month, free food is available on a first-come, first served basis starting at 9AM. The next distribution date is August 2

Sunday Kids Ministry

On Sunday mornings during the 10:45 AM worship service, our children's ministry has activities for kids grades K-6. Every other Sunday there is also childcare for preschool & nursery age children. You can find more info on our Butler Kids page

Sunday Worship Services

  Our regular Sunday schedule:
9:00 AM   
10:45 AM  

 * Livestream and videos available online at the links below!

Let's Connect!

Have a prayer request to share or a need we can help you with?  ¿Tiene una petición de oración para compartir o una necesidad con la que podamos ayudarle?

Let us know!

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