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NEWS ARCHIVE. For the main Butler news page, click HERE

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Christmas Eve Service Highlights
We celebrated Christmas Eve with a large full house! Through scripture and songs centered around the Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, we enjoyed hymns, a song in Khmu from Asian Grace, Pastor Elbio together with Angel from Amor y Fe shared an experience of "O Holy Night" in Spanish, and our Butler kids shared the song "O Glorious Night." Special thanks go to all who prepared the treats afterward, including "tutes," hot chocolate, and champurrado. Jasmine and Andrew were our Mary & Joseph this year as we continued our tradition of singing carols outdoor by candlelight. 
- December 2024   
Church Business Meeting Update
A few updates from the church business meeting on Sunday, Dec 8:
- Council members: Special thanks were given to those ending their term. New Council members were appointed for Vice Moderator and Asian Grace. Nominations are still needed for Treasurer and Amor y Fe rep. 
- The proposed budget was approved. Details are available in the meeting packet as well as some great ministry reports! (Click here for a copy.)
- Pastor Scott shared an update from the Vision Team. An earlier proposal for a Sunday services 'experiment' is being modified. This will not be taking place in January, but the team is continuing to work to identify ways Butler could shift to have a multiethnic worship service and focus more on discipleship.

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Literacy Mentors Highlight
Literacy Mentors Update
This past Sunday in Faith Community we highlighted the work of literacy mentors from Butler Church. There are 12 mentors from Butler who serve faithfully every week at Ayer School! As we help first graders learn the basic sight words, reading becomes much easier for them. It is our joy to bless our students with a Christmas gift which contains a book to read, an activity book which helps with skills, and a little craft kit. On Sunday a group worked together wrap these packages. In addition, little packs were made for the all of the Ayer staff with a package of hot cocoa, a candy cane and two attachments: a note of thanks for the work they do and another explaining a special meaning of the candy cane. We're praying these gifts will be an added encouragement to the staff and that both staff and kids will feel seen and loved!
- December 2024
Missions Highlight: Christmas Outreaches
Reminder to please pray for our missionaries in Thailand who have many opportunities to share the good news of Jesus during the Christmas season! 

Carmen Owen writes: "Pray for the Christmas outreaches which are scheduled through December intending to reach 1000 children and youth with the Gospel (and for a team of 5 young adults sent from our home church in Kansas assisting in the Christmas outreaches).

Sara Kumrod writes: On December 15 is an outreach at a Thai School for the Rimkhan community and that week an outreach to another neighborhood. On December 21 an outreach is planned at a Hmong village in Chiang Rai." 

Pictured: ALH kids performing at a Christmas celebration. The Abundant Life Home orphanage is a ministry started by Ricky & Karen Sanchez.
- December 2024
Missions Offering Update
Great news! We have reached and exceeded our goal of $20,0000 for the missions offering! This means we'll be able to meet all of our support commitments to our missionaries as well as support mission projects in Peru and help send people on short term mission assignments in 2025!

We're excited that one of our own Butler members, Niana Holman, will be participating in Global Sports to Brazil this coming summer! To find out about this and other short term mission opportunities, visit our Missions page, or get connected to our missionary support team!
- December 2024
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Missions and Butler Church
Missions Sunday Highlights
Join us in praising God for a GREAT Missions Sunday, and generous offering! Our worship service included a multiethnic worship team, sharing from our missionaries, highlights from Pastor Scott from Peru, and a reflection on Acts 1:8 from Pastor Connie. You can watch the service livestream here.

We enjoyed lunch together with a variety soups as well as pumpkin pie! THANK YOU to all who prepared the meal and served in the kitchen! 

Short term mission opportunities which were shared about during the service were explored further over lunch. Visit our Missions page for current missionary prayer requests and short term mission opportunities!
- November 2024
Christian Leader Current Issue
The November/December issue of the Christian Leader magazine is here! This issue is focused on the challenges and opportunities of ministry to the youngest generations. The CL is a publication of our Mennonite Brethren family of churches. If you want to b e added to the CL mailing list, let the church office know. You can also read it online, where translation is available in multiple languages! 
- November 2024
Living Your Life on Mission
Election Encouragement
Let’s remind ourselves today that our joy, our love, our hope, is not rooted in a system, a candidate, or a desired result. It is found in Christ and lived out in union with his Spirit. Our neighbor is still our neighbor, and our call has not changed to love those who are far and those who are near. Being a citizen of heaven means doing the work of God's Kingdom today in this place, where God has placed us. [Read more: Jeremiah 29:4-7]
- November 2024
Living Your Life on Mission
Prayer for Election Day
God, You are Mighty and Merciful. We are grateful for the right to vote, and we will not take it for granted. 

Empower us to prepare our hearts to both vote, and to respond to the results, in a way that reflects Your justice, peace, and compassion. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen.      

Meet & Treat Highlights
We had a great turnout again this year for Meet and Treat with over 500 people attending! Many commented how glad they are that Butler Church hosts this family friendly event, and look forward to it. Thank you to all who served at this event, and a BIG thank you to the 40-50 FPU students who put on another amazing trunk or treat, as well as serving in the kitchen, and with set up and clean up! New this year was a free raffle drawing and it was fun to present the prize to our winner. We have several names to follow up with; join us in praying for continued opportunities to build relationships with these families from our  community.   October 2024
Peru Trip Updates
Thank you for your prayers for Pastor Scott and the Peru Vision Team which returned last week! While in Peru, Galen with Multiply wrote: “One church has 7 teams planting churches or supporting weaker churches that need help. There is a lot of poverty here, but in the midst of it people are being faithful to God. Thursday, we met with national leaders and talked about how we serve them in partnership. It was a very fruitful conversation. Saturday night we stayed in the homes of different Peruvian families. Last night we said goodbye to everyone. We had a great time of worship and sharing.” 

Visit our Missions page for more Peru photos! A report will be shared on our Missions Sunday Nov 17! That same Sunday we will be taking a big offering in support of our missionaries and mission partners. Our goal for 2025 is $20,000! [Click here to give]   October 2024
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Lao Women's Gathering
Our Asian Grace congregation hosted a Lao Women’s Revival, a gathering of 6 area churches with worship, testimonies, sharing from the Word, and food together. Past events have had 50-100 in attendance! In anticipation of the event we prayed for encouragement and a spirit of unity throughout the event, and for sustaining energy for all who were busy with t he preparations. The event was well attended and a positive time together. Our own Phanh Sivongsay shared a word from scripture and each church group shared a song.

October 2024
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    The Chavez family: Missionaries from CA

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    Pastor Saul & Isabel and family

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Peru Vision Trip
Pastor Scott has the opportunity to join a Multiply Vision Team to Peru this October! Our Missions Team has identified Peru and Multiply missionaries there for potential future support by Butler. Please pray for Pastor Scott as he visits with missionaries and churches on this 10-day trip, and explores possible partnerships there! Stay tuned for more updates and report from Scott on our Missions Sunday on November 17!   - September 2024
Cultural Celebration Highlights
We had a  wonderful evening this past Sunday highlighting the diversity of backgrounds in our church family! Special thanks to all who brought food for our multicultural potluck! And especially to all who participated in our program with pozole, dance, singing, quilting & fabrics, and a pinata for the kids! In addition to all this was the delight of having several new guests and families return or come for the first time! 
- September 2024
Welcoming Pastor Connie!
Our church council has approved and affirmed the hiring of Connie Nicholson as the pastor of our Faith Community congregation! Connie will officially join our staff on October 14 but will be connecting with Pastor Terry as they transition leadership of the congregation over the next several weeks. Welcome to the team, Connie! 

Connie has a depth of experience in ministry, Biblical studies, leadership, as well as training in spiritual formation. If you haven't gotten to know Connie yet, you will be glad to get the opportunity! She has spoken in both Faith Community and Common Ground worship services, and those recordings are available on our YouTube channel. You can also read Pastor Connie's bio here.

Our Faith Community congregation will be honoring Pastor Terry in the service on October 6, and there will be an installation service for Pastor Connie on October 27.
- September 2024

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Community Meal Highlights
We had a great evening together at our August Community Meal ! We filled up the Family Center, and enjoyed a delicious meal of “tacos al vapor” which quickly vaporized! There was birthday cake for dessert to celebrate all the August birthdays. After dinner there was a powerful worship time in the Sanctuary lead by the FPU college hour team, Pastor Elbio shared his inspiring faith journey in the Family Center, and our Children's Ministry Director organized a great time for the children.  
- August 2024

Back to School Blessing
At our combined service this month we has a special time of appreciation and prayer for all the students, teachers, and faculty present as they return to the classroom and coursework. We gave a ‘daily encouragements’ gift from our pastoral team to each one. If you would like a copy to use or to gift to another, you can pick up a booklet this Sunday, or find a printable version here.
- August 2024

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Back to School Combined Service
We had a great 'Back to School' service together as one church this month! If you missed it, you can find the recording on our YouTube channel here. Leaders from each of our congregations led us in singing Doxology in multiple languages. Fitting with our Back to School theme, our pianist and organist are both music teachers! It was great to take the opportunity to pray over students, teachers, and faculty. (Some students were so small they were invited to stand on the pew chairs so we could see them better!) We heard an update on the Literacy Mentors ministry, our children's ministry director Maria Galvan shared an update from Summer Kids' Club, and Pastor Scott shared an update on the Vision Team process. Pastor Terry brought a message from Matthew 5:13-16. 
- August 2024

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Summer Kids Club
Our July Community Meal featured highlights from Summer Kids Club! Theme of God at Work came from our key verse Philippians 1:6. God was working in mighty ways as we met new families and children, learned great lessons, sang our hearts out, and enjoyed games, crafts and snacks together. On Sunday evening at our Community Meal, many of the families from Kids Club joined for the highlights of the week, during which two children chose to give their hearts to Jesus!  
    A big THANK YOU to our volunteer team and children's director, Maria Galvan. Let’s keep praying that the good work God began in Kid’s Club is carried on to completion! 
- July 2024

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Talent Show Highlights 
We had a big turnout for our June Community Meal & Talent Show! Our talented cooks served up a spaghetti dinner, and we had a fun evening enjoying a variety of talents! There was singing, dancing, instrumental solos, and an art display! It was such a hit, Butler's Got Talent will be back again! Mark your calendar for our next Community Meal on July 28 featuring the Kids Club kids!

- June 2024

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Juneteeth is a day to celebrate freedom but also to reflect on the realities of our history. Some great resources, including the “Faith & Freedom” documentary, are available at: Here is a prayer litany to reflect on as well.
- June 2024

Church Informational Meeting
Several updates were shared at the church Informational Meeting on June 2, and there was some good discussion time about some developing initiatives. Topics included: Recent event highlights; Attendance and Giving Updates; Pastoral Searches (Faith Community and Asian Grace); the Vision Team process; Potential partnership with Head Start (on site preschool); and a mural project in development. (Click here to view the slides from the meeting.) The meeting concluded with a time of prayer for these points and for the Butler staff.  

Update: Responses to the Butler Church Survey are being received during the month of June by the vision/consult team.   
- June 2024
Celebrating Asian American Heritage 
May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage month. Here at Butler Church, we’re blessed to worship together with brothers and sisters from several Asian cultures! In our Asian Grace congregation alone, we have members who are Khmu, Lao, Mien, and T’in! And beyond that we have Filipino, American Samoa, Korea, and Cambodian represented within our broader church family and congregations!  This article, written a few years ago from the perspective of a Korean-American pastor, provides insight on why celebrating AAPI histories, culture, gifts, and experiences is actually a form of worship.
- May 2024
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Picnic Highlights
Our annual church picnic is always a fun Sunday! This year about 200 of our Butler family joined in our outdoor worship service at Fresno Pacific University, with activities, food, and fellowship through the afternoon. We kept the waterballoon toss tradition going, and added in a story time while the kids had relay games and played on the waterslides. Special thanks to the many people who served and made this big day possible!
- May 2024

  > Find more photos - and video clips! - on our Butler Facebook group page.
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 Women's Retreat Highlights
A group of 18 Butler ladies attended the Calvin Crest women's retreat at the end of April and had a great weekend together there! The theme was "Trust in the Slow Work of God." We were reminded of the goodness of slowing down and walk at Jesus' pace - so we can notice what He sees, and hear each other's stories. For our Butler group, being intentional about making space for connecting times was a theme that came up several times. A big THANK YOU to all who donated for the fundraising events and gave rides; we were able to provide several scholarships so that so many ladies could participate. We're looking forward to more unique opportunities like this in the future!  
- April 2024
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Community Meal Highlights
We had a great time at our Community Meal on April 28. After a delicious taco dinner served by our amazing kitchen team, our children and youth were excused for a fun programs, while the adults spent time listening to and sharing personal stories. Special thanks to Nixon Khoutsavahn for sharing some of his story. Join us in praying for deepening connections among the new and old friends who gathered! Our next Community Meal is being planned for June 30!
- April 2024

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Easter Highlights
We hope you had a wonderful Easter! On Friday we had a great time with neighbors at Summer Park, visiting and bringing joy to the kids. We're praying those connections continue to grow.  And, it was truly a blessing to spend Easter Sunday praising God and celebrating the Risen Savior together. Each of our congregations were blessed to see friends, family, and neighbors join us and our children’s ministry was busting at the seams with kids. Let’s continue to pray that our faith and church family will continue to grow!  
- April 2024
Welcome to Pastor Terry & Debra Brensinger
This month we are welcoming Terry & Debra Brensinger into the interim pastoral role for our Faith Community congregation. While they have been part of Butler for several years now, Pastor Terry officially began his work at the beginning of February. As a church we will pray over them this Sunday during the combined service for this 6 month season of ministry. 
- February 2024

Note: The pastoral search committee continues their work and has posted the pastor opening. More details are available on the Faith Community page.
Retirement of Pastor Jim Holm
Pastor Jim officially retired at the end of January 2024 and a special celebration took place on January 28 to honor this milestone with Jim and Shirley Holm. The event was hosted by Faith Community, the Butler congregation which Jim pastored, and attended by family and friends from the area. We bless Jim and Shirley as they spend time in travel and with projects at the MCC thrift store and Mennonite Disaster Service.
- February 2024

The Importance of January 6th
Pastor Jim writes: "January 6th is a day of celebration for Christians all across the world, but also a day of special importance to the Mennonite Brethren Church, of which Butler is a part.
To understand this takes a bit of background. About one thousand years ago, the Christian church divided into two sections, The East and The West. The divisions were over doctrine and the way in which worship was conducted. The “Western Church” came to be called the Roman Catholic Church and from it the Protestant Reformation sprang and from that the Mennonite Church in all its branches. The Western Church observes January 6th as Epiphany... 
- January 2024

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Christmas Eve Highlights 
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with worship services in the morning, and our Asian Grace congregation had a fellowship lunch. In the evening was our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, with scripture readings and songs in multiple languages, from each our congregations. Our children sang and heard the Christmas story, and there was special music with dance. We ended in the evening with carols outdoor by candlelight, and then had a fellowship time with "tutes" (treat bags), hot chocolate, and champurrado. 
The service was also livestreamed and is available on YouTube here.
- December 2023

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Missions Sunday Highlights 
What a GREAT service, offering, and lunch we had on Missions Sunday as one church family! Thank you to all who had a part in the special morning. Our missions offering goal was set at $21,800 for 2024, which will support our missionaries and short term opportunities in the coming year. We’re excited that the offering goal has been met and surpassed! It was a joy to participate in giving and prayer together, and has already been a great encouragement to our missionaries. Please continue to pray for our current and future missionaries. You can find current prayer requests and STM opportunities on our Missions page here.
- November 2023
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Meet and Treat Highlights 
We had a fun night at Meet & Treat, serving together and hosting so many families from our community! A huge THANK YOU to the many folks from Butler Church and Fresno Pacific students who poured their time and energy into this event, serving up the popcorn, 'dogs, hot chocolate, candy and more! It was fun see so many smiles and to be able to provide a family-friendly atmosphere. Pray that many would be drawn to the love and light of Jesus through  their experience and the connections that have been made. 
If you have Meet & Treat photos to share, be sure to tag us on social media or send them to Thanks!
- November 2023
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Cultural Celebration Highlights 
What an evening we had for our Cultural Celebration night at the end of September! A large crowd made up of our church family, friends and neighbors enjoyed an evening filled with incredible sights, sounds and tastes, as we celebrated together the wonderful diversity and unity found in Christ. A huge thank you to all that brought food, and shared talents both up front and behind the scenes! Many that were new to Butler that evening expressed a deep appreciation and curiosity to know more about our unique church family. Pray that the seeds that were planted will bear much fruit!!  - September 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month
This week launches national Hispanic Heritage month. Here at Butler Church, we’re blessed to worship together with Latinx brothers and sisters in several of our congregations! In Amor y Fe specifically, there are multiple cultures represented, and an average of 30 people attend each Sunday, worshipping and studying scripture together in Spanish. This congregation began over 25 years ago, and grew out of a Spanish language Bible study started by Butler members. There’s more growing possible, too - in southeast Fresno alone, 63% of residents are Hispanic, and 44% speak Spanish or only Spanish.  (More....)

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Community Meal Highlights 
We had a full room for our Community Meal on August 27; even more people attended than we expected! Special thanks to our kitchen crew who served up chili burgers and bacon wrapped hotdogs. After dinner, the kids and youth (there were over 30 of them!) had a great time in their own activities. The adults had fun conversations around the table over M&Ms, and Loteria led by Jim & Yami Rodriguez complete with prizes. Afterward we all had dessert together, celebrating upcoming birthdays with a cake donated by Rosita Colin. Our prayer is that many of the connections that were made during this event will continue to grow...and that future opportunities like this will do the same. Our Butler Church Cultural Celebration night is coming up on September 24!  - August 2023

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All Church Combined Service 
All of our Butler congregations join together for a combined service on specific Sundays during the year. It's a wonderful opportunity to worship together across languages and cultures! For back-to-school our combined service included prayer over children, teachers, and administrators returning to the classroom. We sang in multiple languages, heard an update on the tutoring ministry, and enjoyed a cultural dance by the Asian Grace dancers. Pastor Scott shared "The Answer to the Tests!"   
- August 2023
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If you have more picnic pics to share, please send them to! Thx!

 Church Picnic Highlights
We had a great church picnic this past Sunday with a big turnout! Our outdoor worship service included music led by our Asian Grace worship team, child dedications of little Ella and Gael and their families, and recognition and prayer for our missionary PhoneKeo following many years of ministry through Butler Church & with Multiply in southeast Asia. Pastor Elbio brought an encouraging message from Hebrews 10:35-39, reminding us that God’s presence goes with us, so when circumstances are difficult we do not need to give up!
     We had fun with the traditional water balloon tossing contest, and the kids had a blast on two inflatable waterslides! THANK YOU to everyone to brought food for our potluck and especially to Alejandro & Maria Galvan and lunch crew for the BBQ, to Nixon Khoutsavanh and Asian Grace for set up and worship, and to youth leaders Chansamone Khoutsavahn and Sam & Sai Ban for setting up the activities, and to all who helped clean up!   - May 2023

Stories in Scripture

In Common Ground, every 5th Sunday of the month we plan something a little different! On Sunday, Jan 29, we gathered around tables in the sanctuary with breakfast treats. Terry & Debra Brensinger are leading us in digging into a story from scripture. (Click here for the text from Daniel 3.)

Terry explains: “The stories in the Old Testament served not only to instruct the people of God throughout history, but also to capture their imagination. By following just a few simple guidelines - that we will talk about and illustrate during our time together - all of us can read, learn from, and thoroughly enjoy the often humorous, engaging, and suspenseful stories preserved for us in scripture.”
January 2023

Ministry Reports and Annual Business Meeting
Our annual Church Business Meeting will be on December 4. The agenda will include finances, council leadership, a report from the Mosiax conference, and sabbatical overview. All are welcome to attend, and members of Butler Church  are especially encouraged to be present to vote regarding the budget and council nominees.

Sabbatical for Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott will be taking a ministry sabbatical December 5th through March 5th. The church council and Common Ground leadership have granted this sabbatical according to our church policy and have made arrangements for our pastors and ministry leaders to carry on Pastor Scott’s ministry responsibilities during his time away. During his sabbatical, Scott will not be receiving calls or messages regarding the work of the church; we ask that you send all your communication to either the church office, one of our pastors, or ministry leaders.  
    We all have a role in the sabbatical process while Scott is away. We invite all of our church family to 'lean in' to help and grow during this season. [For more information about Sabbaticals and how you can lean in during this season, click here.]
- November 2022 

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Back to School Combined Service Highlights
It was great to be together as a whole church for our back to school combined service! Some of the highlights mentioned were: the café fellowship time, fun school photos, the great music, the children’s moment, and Roberto’s story behind one very special school shirt! Plus, prayer over all the students, teachers, and administrators heading back to school. If you missed any of these highlights, or Pastor Scott’s “Show and Tell” message, you can watch the video of the worship service and find more photos on ou r social media here
- Aug 2022
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Meet and Treat Highlights
It was so good to connect with and love on our community at Meet and Treat! A big THANK YOU to all our amazing volunteers and those that donated all the candy. We served up 600 hot dogs, dozens of cupcakes and so many bingo prizes. The best part were the smiles and conversation with old friends and new. Special thanks to our amazing Maria Galvan for leading us and FPU partnering with us in the Trunk or Treat. Pray that the seeds that were planted will bear fruit!
- November 2022

65 Years!
Butler's Vision Sunday on September 25 included a birthday celebration! Following our "Butler's best" potluck, our evening program focused on Hebrews 10:23-25, inviting us into Confident Hope, Consistent Connection, and Creative Engagement. Then, dessert was a birthday party to celebrate 65 years of Butler Church, established in 1957. It was a reminder of God’s faithfulness and reason for Confident Hope, our theme for the coming year.  
- October 2022 
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Vision Sunday Highlights
Vision Night lived up to its name as our 4 Butler congregations gathered for an evening filled with great food, talents, and fellowship as a church family! Pastor Scott shared a message from Hebrews 10:23-25 and challenged us to move forward as a church with Confident Hope, Consistent Connection and Creative Engagement. We highlighted three exciting new initiatives taking place this fall: Shared youth ministry with People’s Church Southeast, Community Clean Up monthly opportunities, and the sending of a team to the Mosaix Multiethnic Church conference in November! We are excited for these three initiatives and for more to come! We encourage every Butler member to consider how they too will move forward with Confident Hope!
- September 2022

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Church Picnic Highlights
We had a great picnic Sunday at FPU, complete with an outdoor service, bounce house, pool time, water balloon tossing contest, and a BBQ potluck lunch. There was such a big turnout that we ran out of hamburgers and hotdogs and made a pizza run! 

A huge THANK YOU to all who volunteered with set up, food, clean up and more. It was a joy to welcome several new faces and return visitors as well.     
- June 2022

Volume Up on Jesus

This encouragement was shared with our Common Ground congregation in preparation for Lent: "In this season, let’s renew our focus daily by looking for ways to turn-up the volume on Jesus in our lives for the next 40 plus days. For more on this, and a list of ideas, click here! Perhaps, as you “turn up Jesus” in the weeks ahead he might reveal some of that beauty in the midst of the everyday. We want to hear about it!"
March 2021

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Meal & More Highlights
We had a great time at our Meal and More event for May! So many good things…amazing volunteers, awesome tacos, laughter and fellowship for all ages, and great encouragement in Christ. 

We got some great feedback about continuing this event with activities for each specific age group. So, stay tuned for info on a future Meal & More date. Hope to see you next time!   - May 2022

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Easter Picnic Highlights
What a fun morning we had for our Easter Picnic BBQ and egg hunt! Though it was a little windy we had a great time playing kids' games and enjoying a hot dog lunch. Teacher Maria and kids did a great job telling the Easter story and just then it poured rain outside! The egg hunt had to be moved indoors, but it was still fun and there were LOTS of eggs to find. Thanks to all who helped and to neighbors who came for the first time!   - April 2022

Prayer Series for Lent
Our Faith Community congregation is journeying through a series on Prayer during this season of Lent. The prayer series is led by Debra Brensinger and its purpose is to invite believers to explore several different ways of praying. Many of our prayers are intercessory in nature, and we pray for ourselves, or for others we care about. But there are other forms of prayer. This series invites worshipers to learn about and to engage in various prayer practices. 

• Authentic Prayer, preparing ourselves spiritually for prayer
• Prayer for discernment, helping us to understand the Word
• Prayer as response to the Word
• Praying the News
• The Jesus Prayer, or The Prayer of Bartimaeus
• Praying the Scriptures, or Lectio Divina (combined service)

Each of these prayer experiences (March 6-April 10) is placed at different times in the worship service, depending on their purpose, either to prepare us for worship, or to respond to what we have heard and experienced. All are welcome to join, either in person or online, or through watching videos from past Faith Community worship services on our Facebook or Youtube channel. (See links below.) 
- March 2022

 Amor y Fe Highlights 
Our Amor y Fe congregation recently celebrated the child dedication of little Maxymus Torralba. It was a full room for the worship service! Pastor Elbio writes: "Maxymus, son of Alma & Jesus Torralba, was dedicated to the Lord before the padrinos (godparents) and family and friends who came to the joyful celebration. We prayed all together and for the a special blessing upon Maxymus' life." 

Earlier in January, Alma had shared an urgent prayer request for baby Maxymus - when he was just one month old, their family was fighting covid and he had a high fever. Praise God he recovered quickly and is healthy today!
- March 2022

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Men's Ministry Highlight
The Saturday men's day hike this month was a great time together! Pastor Scott writes: “We had fun exploring a new place (to most of us) and connecting together. Shout out to Mike Acosta for instigating this adventure to Stevenson Falls!” Stay tuned for info on future men’s events.  
  - February 2022

Faith Community Highlights 
For the past several weeks, our Faith Community congregation hosted a series of seminars on the subjects of aging, hospice care and caregiving, understanding grief and discussing our own losses and the response to them. The series was a follows:
•  January 16, A presentation on Age-related Fears, by Jeri Stubblefield, a licensed geriatric advisor. She addressed the issues that all people face as they age, from personal loss of health, income and mobility, to walking with a family member through these things.
•  January 30, Two persons from Hinds Hospice in Fresno presented lectures and discussions on understanding what hospice care is and how one approaches it. They also gave information on how to be a caregiver when someone you love is in hospice.
•  February 6, Kathleen Cromwell of Hinds Hospice presented a lecture and discussion on Understanding Grief.
•  The final Sunday in the series, February 13, will be a round table discussion in which all participants will be given an opportunity to share their own experiences with losing a loved one and the grief connected with that. The conversation will center around what was most helpful to them in their own grieving, and what was not as helpful.  The gathering will be at 10:30am. Anyone is invited to attend. 
- February 2022

Prayer Walking
When there is a 5th Sunday of the month, we plan something different for the Common Ground worship service. So, Sunday January 30 was a unique morning which included the opportunity to go on a prayer walk! . 

You can use the prayer guide to prayer walk in your own neighborhood! Click here to learn more about prayerwalking

January 2022
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Prayer and Worship Night
Butler hosted one of the nightly gatherings for the city-wide 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting on January 17. It was a powerful time of worship and prayer together with believers from across the city! There were times of prayer for repentance and revival of the Church, and prayer for each other, and for the generations of our community. If you missed the service online, you can find it here as well as info on the nightly gatherings this month at 7:00pm.  - January 2022

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Kings' Day Children's Festival
Kings' Day, or epiphany, is often a celebration of gifts as we remember the journey the wise men made to worship the newborn King! Our Amor y Fe congregation again hosted a children’s festival for Kings' Day - a great opportunity to bless kids and families! With music, stories, and prayer, Pastor Elbio and Teacher Maria shared about the gift of God’s love for each of us! Each child received a toy gift, plus there was traditional Rosca de Reyes bread and champurrado (hot chocolate). Afterward, the celebration continued outdoors with two piñatas! Join us in praying for the families that attended, and especially for the children of our church and surrounding community!  - January 2022

Missions Sunday Highlights 
Our annual Missions Sunday this past November was again a wonderful time with worship in song, prayer, giving, and a meal together. We were blessed to have several  missionaries sharing in person - all who were originally from Butler many years ago! - and were both encouraged and challenged through the message by Andy Owen and the reminder from Nzash Lumeya to “answer the call!” You can find missions highlights and a video recording of the service on our Missions page. We're thankful for all who served on this Sunday and gave generously - we have met our mission offering goal for the coming year! Please continue to lift up our missionaries in prayer.  - December 2021

Vision Sunday 
On Vision Sunday evening, we celebrated the story that God has been writing through Butler Church and each of us! There was a great turnout and we enjoyed multicultural dinner together followed by worship, testimonies, and baptisms! Faith stories were shared by both new and longtime members of Butler. Through each of our congregations, we welcomed new members, and 5 people were baptized! We’re looking forward to sharing more of Our Story in the coming weeks and months. - October 2021

Back to School Prayers
Almighty God, We give you our schools.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work there,
We give you all the students who study there.

We pray our schools would be places of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May they be places where students love to learn and where they learn to love, A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued. (More....)

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Farmer's Market Highlights
Our first ever Farmer’s Market at Butler Church was this past July! We had a great turnout and had tons of fun with kids games, balloons, & bubbles. In addition to a great selection of fruits and vegetables, we had hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn and other goodies to offer. There were dance performances, gift basket giveaways, backpacks for kids, and a special message from pastor Marcus from People’s Church. Join us in praising God for a great event and the many incredible volunteers that helped make this a great night together with our community! See our post here to see some great photos and to share feedback.  - August 2021

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Movie Night Highlights
We had a great evening our Movie Night outdoor community event at the end of May! We watched the animated movie Soul, and enjoyed Kona Ice and popcorn on the courtyard grass on what may have been one of the last cool evenings of the summer. Thank you to all who came and those who volunteered; it was great to welcome both new and return visitors. Hope to see many of you again soon!  - June 2021
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Church Fellowship Night
On Sunday evening, May 23, we had our first all church gathering in over a year! During our Church Fellowship Night we enjoyed an amazing taco dinner, some talented and creative Butler musicians, celebrated with Asian Grace over new life in Christ, and honored a staff member who retired earlier this year. Another highlight was a children’s moment lead by Maria Galvan; we are like M&M’s….very diverse on the outside but all the same on the inside, and God loves us each the same!  - June 2021

Remembering Pastor Souk 
Our church family is grieving the passing of Souk Sivongsay, pastor of our Asian Grace congregation. He went to be with Jesus on June 11 following a decline in health due to cancer. The memorial service was on Monday, June 14 at Butler Church and a recording of the service is available here. The funeral and burial will take place in his family's home state of Minnesota. Please join us in continued prayers for his wife, family, and our Asian Grace congregation. 
- June 2021
Retirement Celebration
Our long time custodian, Bounthone Vongviset, retired in April. We’re so appreciative of his work and faithfulness! With nearly 20 years of service he is likely the longest tenured staff member with Butler Church! Boun says “though I am retired, my heart won’t retire” and plans to continue volunteering as needed. Join us in celebrating this milestone, perhaps even sending Boun a special note of encouragement or gift in appreciation of his work!

Boun and his years of service were recognized during our Church Fellowship Night at the end of May, with a presentation of gifts and a time of prayer. Since that time, our part time custodial job opening has been filled and we welcome Rudy Marquez on staff!      posted May 2021

Indoor Worship Services
We're glad to be able to have indoor worship services again, starting Sunday, April 11!  We will be continuing our regular worship schedule, with congregations meeting in both the Family Center and Worship Center during the morning. 

10:45 AM Common Ground and  Amor y Fe 

Services will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook and on our YouTube channel (see the links below!) See please follow covid guidelines when coming to campus & stay tuned for information about childcare and children's programs, which will be phased in.     posted April 2021

Partner Ministries Focus this February
At Butler Church we are truly blessed to be part of such a unique and diverse body of believers! As part of the Mennonite Brethren denomination, we are not on our own, but we have an extended church family that is found not only in Fresno, but throughout our nation and around the globe! This February we will be highlighting our MB agencies and give a special offering for their support. Our partnerships make possible church planting, Bible training, unity and connection across our MB churches. Watch for more information to come in our worship services, by mail/email, and online!    posted January 2021
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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
For the last several years, churches throughout Fresno/Clovis have started the year with a season of prayer and fasting. This year, you can join from your home virtually—wherever you are in the community—to ask God for a vision for our two cities and a heart to serve others.  
This year the dates are January 11-31. Click here for a current list of the hosting churches and links to join on weeknights 7pm and weekends at 5pm. 

posted January 2021
Prayer for our Country and Leaders
As we continue to lift up our city and country through the 21 Days of Prayer, we are especially mindful of the leadership transitions happening this month. Please pray for wisdom for our political leaders, that peace will be pursued over violence, and for justice for the marginalized to be at the center of policy decisions being made.

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Statement regarding violence at the Capitol
We are thankful for this statement from our USMB leadership regarding recent events: 

“As Mennonite Brethren leaders, we believe what happened in our nation’s capital Wednesday afternoon, January 6, 2021, does not reflect the values or mission of Jesus entrusted to his followers. The life and message of Jesus do not call us to violent solutions to the problems in our world. Jesus calls us to live as he lived, exemplified by his teaching on the Sermon on the Mount. He calls us to serve others in humility…” [continue reading here]
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Holiday Food Boxes 
Through our partnerships with partnerships with the Central CA Food Bank, Summer Park Apartments, and our missionary Nzash Lumeya, Butler Church was able to distribute holiday food boxes to about 150 families in time for Thanksgiving. Here are some photo highlights!

This is in addition to our regular food distribution on the first Friday of each month. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact us so we can find a way to help. 

posted December 2020
Addressing Racism
Recent events have revealed once again the brokenness of our world and the horrible effects of racism and hate. As a church we absolutely rebuke and stand against the sins of racism and hate in all forms against our brothers and sisters of color, including the verbal and physical violence that has increased towards the Asian community. We stand with them in our church, our community, and beyond.  As a church we remain committed to the work of peacemaking. Resources are available to learn more about our role as believers in peacemaking and social justice in the face of racism, here at We also invite anyone wanting to learn more or to process recent events to reach out to one of our pastors or contact us here
 - June 2020
Council Update
A Council Connection update is provided throughout the year to highlight recent church council agenda items and decisions. If you have a suggested agenda item for the church council or any questions or concerns, please share them with the council member for your congregation. The council generally meets the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Food Distribution Ministry Highlights
Our food distribution ministry continues on the first Friday of the month. Thank you to our Butler volunteers who have been serving, helping the process to go smoothly with the new health guidelines in place. About 150 households are provided food regularly, serving over 300 people each month. Volunteers are always needed and welcome! To help, contact us- posted 2020

Butler YouTube Channel
Did you miss Church at Home this week or are interested in other available videos? You can find them at In addition to Church at home, you'll find playlists for Faith Community messages by Pastor JIm, messages by Pastor Elbio in English and Spanish for Amor y Fe, and fun Butler Kids videos for Jesus and Jammies time!   - posted 2020

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