Local churches across the city are again joining together for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting at the start of the new year. It is an opportunity to seek God together and invite His power and presence to fill our lives, our churches, and our communities. Let’s begin the year with our attention attuned to God and what He wants to accomplish in our individual lives, the life of our church, and in our city.
Prayer is communication with God. It’s a two-way conversation, in which we speak and listen. God speaks through his Spirit, through his word, and through his people! That is why every night of our 21 days there are opportunities to pray at a church in the Fresno/Clovis area at 7:00 pm. The link to the schedule is below. [Butler Church hosted on January 17 this year. The recording of the service is below.]
About Fasting
Fasting is about more than “giving up” - it’s about making room! Fasting from a meal, a particular food, or an activity, creates a “space” in us for God to fill. When we fast, we trust God to be our supply and to meet our physical and spiritual needs.
Here are some scripture passages that talk about fasting:
When entering a specific time of prayer & fasting, it is always a good idea to make a plan for how you will follow through on your intentions. Below are some prompts to help you form a plan for the next 21 days. Writing out your answers will help focus your commitment!
During this specific time period, I will be intentional about...
(what I will say no to for a time)
Daily Prayer Plan
(when & where)
Daily Prayer Focus
(what & who)
Prayer & Worship together
(nightly gatherings I will participate in)
Prayer Gatherings
Click here for the scheduleof nightly prayer gatherings for 2022. All prayer & worship nights are available in person and online at 7:00pm.
Butler Church hosted one of the city-wide gatherings! The video fromMonday night, January 17, is below.