Consult Team
Our church council has appointed a consult team to better understand who we are and how we might grow in our effectiveness as a church. Our world is rapidly changing. We as a church are changing. We face challenges as a church now and anticipate more to come. We want to be as prepared and equipped as we can be to accomplish the mission and vision God has given us as a church.
In 2022 our church council sent a small group of leaders to the Mosaix Multiethnic Church Conference in Texas. Our group was encouraged by great speakers, powerful worship and informative workshops all centered on the work of churches like ours. Our group found the conference encouraging and enlightening. It affirmed the work of Butler while also inspiring us to even more effective ministry. From this group came a recommendation to our council, which was affirmed, to form a team which would engage the services of a consultant to help us better understand who we are and how we might grow in our effectiveness as a church.
This team will work with our consultant to better understand our current condition through surveys, conversations, and gathering relevant data. From there they will explore possibilities and strategies which would benefit Butler most. They will work in partnership with our council and other leaders to gather input and to test ideas, and ultimately make a recommendation for action steps moving forward.
This stage process is intended to be no more than 6-9 months (up to spring 2025).
Consult Team Updates
June 2024
updated 9/25/2024
Healthy Things Grow
I recently heard someone say, “Healthy things grow. And growing things change.” As a parent this statement absolutely rings true. Every time I turn around my son’s pants are too short (again?), and somehow my little girl is now a licensed driver (you’ve been warned) looking at colleges to attend. What happened to the littles that I used to scoop up in my arms and wrestle with on the floor? Ah, but healthy things grow. And whether we like it or not, growing things change.
Over the last several months our Butler Vision team has been hard at work considering what might help Butler continue to be a healthy and growing church. As our recent survey revealed (thank you to all that participated!), we have a special community of believers who are caring and welcoming. We deeply value our fellowship. We also have a yearning for more! We desire to see deeper spiritual growth and to see more of our friends and neighbors joining the faith. We also see parts of this body are getting tired, serving faithfully, but at their limits. Growth has been slow; finances are getting tighter. We want to be a healthy church, a growing church, and that means...gulp…change.
Our vision team is prayerfully working with the guidance of a consultant, Brian Ross, to discern a number of possible changes that could be made to improve the health and growth of Butler. We have brainstormed everything from big and audacious to subtle and slight changes. We are hard at work to whittle them down to a handful of thoughtfully and prayerfully discerned possibilities, which will come to our church council and ultimately the church body to consider.
As our team works, we ask that the church works with us. Please keep this team and this process in prayer daily.
Pray for discernment and wisdom. Pray that we would be attuned to the Spirit as we meet, and obedient to his leading at every step. Let’s pray also for God to stir each of our hearts, to desire and to welcome greater health and growth in Christ Jesus!
- Pastor Scott