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NEWS notes


Food Distribution every first Friday
Food Distribution this Friday
Our monthly breakfast ministry and food distribution is this Friday _____, rain or shine! Clients are served starting at 9:00 AM until food runs out around 10:30am. Additional volunteers are always welcome; if you can help out please contact us and let the church office know.  Please continue to pray for opportunities to build connections with individuals we serve.

Food Distribution every first Friday
Food Distribution this Friday
Our monthly breakfast ministry and food distribution is this Friday September 6. Volunteers are always welcome. Clients are served starting at 9:00 AM until food runs out around 10:30am. Please continue to pray for opportunities to build connections with individuals we serve, and – yet again - for relief from the heat!

Community Meal this Sunday
It's already the end of February, and that brings us to another great Community Meal! Invite a friend or neighbor to join in with us for dinner together this Sunday at 5PM, and a fu n activity. We were inspired by Valentine's day, to come up with a game show based on the theme! It will be a lot of fun you won't want to miss!
Your RSVP will help in our planning! If you'd like to help out in some way, you can also let us know in your response. Thanks!
Church Council Update 
The Church Council will be meeting this Thursday, Sept 19. A copy of the agenda is available online. The topics include a recommendation on the Faith Community Pastoral Search, a Vision Team Update, and Council openings in the coming year. 

If you have a topic to suggest for a future meeting, or any questions or concerns, please direct those to the council member from your congregation. Please pray for the council as they meet for wisdom, discernment, and unity in decisions to be made.
Council Update
Our Church Council meets monthly, generally on the third Thursday of the month. Coming up for 2024 we have several council roles open:
• Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Secretary
• Congregational representatives (for Faith Community and Common Ground) 
Council nominees should be a person who has joined in membership, and able to serve Butler Church as a whole. 
Thanks for joining us in prayer as we together discern leadership for the coming year. Click here for more info. 

Men's Fellowship Breakfast 
This Sunday at 9:00 AM is the next Men’s fellowship breakfast. Your RSVP will help with our planning! Hope to see you this Sunday!

We’re also looking to plan another all Butler men’s gathering; if you would be interested in that, please let Calvin Certain know. Thanks!.

Special Butler Cafe this Sunday
This Sunday, December 8 will be a special Butler Café celebrating Nov/Dec birthdays and anniversaries. Special thanks to Frances Echavarria who keeps the birthday celebrations going! Check this week's Buzz email for a list of birthdays, and if you have one coming up, let us know!


All Church Combined Service this Sunday
This Sunday, February 23 is our All-Church Combined Service!  With our special focus on our partner agencies, and our own Dr. Andre Stephens, president of FPU, will bring the message. There will be worship in multiple languages and we will be taking a special offering as part of the service. The morning will start with a special Butler Cafe at 9:30AM in the courtyard celebrating January & February birthdays and anniversaries! The service will follow in the sanctuary.

We hope you'll come back again in the evening for a fun Community Meal, too!
Special Offering for MB Agencies
We are part of a church family that goes far beyond Fresno! Each February we have a special focus on these local and global partner agencies of our Mennonite Brethren family: the US MB churches, the Pacific District Conference of MB churches, Multiply, and Fresno Pacific University and Seminary. This Sunday we will give a special offering for the support  of these agenc ies; our goal is $15,000. Thank you for prayerfully considering what amount you feel led to give. You can give online now to "MB Agencies Support" or bring your gift this Sunday. 
Living Your Life on Mission
Man Camp Coming Up
Butler men, mark your calendar for March 7-9 to be part of Man Camp at Hartland. This camp is always packed with great men, food, fun, and most importantly amazing worship and messages. If you'd like to register, talk with Samson Khoutsavanh or contact the church office! 
 Back to School Prayers
Almighty God, We give you our schools.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work there,
We give you all the students who study there.

We pray our schools would be places of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May they be places where students love to learn and where they learn to love, A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued. (More....)
- August 2023
Celebrating Asian American Heritage 
May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage month. Here at Butler Church, we’re blessed to worship together with brothers and sisters from several Asian cultures! In our Asian Grace congregation alone, we have members who are Khmu, Lao, Mien, and T’in! And beyond that we have Filipino, American Samoa, Korea, and Cambodian represented within our broader church family and congregations!  This article, written a few years ago from the perspective of a Korean-American pastor, provides insight on why celebrating AAPI histories, culture, gifts, and experiences is actually a form of worship.
- May 2024
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Juneteeth is a day to celebrate freedom but also to reflect on the realities of our history. Some great resources, including the “Faith & Freedom” documentary, are available at: Here is a prayer litany to reflect on as well.   - June 2024

Hispanic Heritage Month
This week launches national Hispanic Heritage month. Here at Butler Church, we’re blessed to worship together with Latinx brothers and sisters in several of our congregations! In Amor y Fe specifically, there are multiple cultures represented, and an average of 30 people attend each Sunday, worshipping and studying scripture together in Spanish. This congregation began over 25 years ago, and grew out of a Spanish language Bible study started by Butler members. There’s more growing possible, too - in southeast Fresno alone, 63% of residents are Hispanic, and 44% speak Spanish or only Spanish.  (More....)

Butler Cultural Celebration Night
Hispanic Heritage Month
It's national Hispanic Heritage month. Here at Butler Church, we’re blessed to worship together with Latinx brothers and sisters in several of our congregations, and specifically Amor y Fe! In Fresno, this month began with “Fiesta Patrias." You can read more here about the history behind this annual cultural festival.  

Have you been wondering why Hispanic Heritage month isn't set for a regular calendar month? Read more about it here.

Living Your Life on Mission
Happy Thanksgiving 
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" 
- Psalm 118:1

If you do not have someone to celebrate the holiday with, let the church office know so we can be in touch with you. Please note that the church office will be closed Thursday and Friday,  November 28 & 29.  The church office is regularly open Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, and Fridays til noon. 

Living Your Life on Mission
Christmas Decorating
All the Butler congregations will be decorating the Sanctuary & Family Center on Saturday, November 30th, at 10am. Come join in the fun! (There will be goodies too!) If you are able to help, please let the church office know.

Church directory photo update
Time Change Sunday
This coming Sunday, November 3 is time change Sunday. Take the opportunity to turn in at the ‘regular’ time and get some extra sleep! Or skip changing your clocks, and arrive to church extra early! :)
Living Your Life on Mission
This Sunday, December 1, marks the beginning Advent. Two of our congregations have chosen the theme “Lights of Christmas” for this season. Each Sunday will contrast the advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love against the prevailing themes in our culture: fear, anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. We will be encouraged to push against these forces that enslave & isolate and instead seek freedom & community as found in the Kingdom of God. 

Pastor Connie has also prepared an advent devotional booklet! Copies will be available on Sunday if you would like to have a series of advent readings to follow and reflect on. We will conclude the advent season with our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight service on December 24! 

Living Your Life on Mission
Annual Business Meeting
Our annual church business meeting will be this Sunday, December 8 at 3:00 PM. Please plan to bring a snack to share! At our annual meeting we review the current financial report and how Butler Church ministries will be prioritized & funded in the coming year (including facilities and staffing), as represented in the budget proposal. Council nominations are processed, and discussion takes place on church life matters. Please note that we are in need of nominations for Council Treasurer and Vice Moderator.

Please take some time to read the ministry reports available in the meeting packet! Click here for a copy or look for extra packets to be available this Sunday. 
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Our Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24 will be at 6:00PM. It's a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor! Each congregation will have a part in the service, and our children will also be singing. We'll conclude the evening with our tradition of singing carols by candlelight outdoors, weather permitting. We'll also have goodies to share following the service!

Year End Giving
Thank you to the many who have been faithful in stewardship through regular financial giving. As we approach year-end, please consider making a special gift to Butler Church. Suggested designations are Amor y Fe and Common Ground. To count toward this year, all donations need to be received or postmarked by Dec 31st. Thank you.
Holiday Office Hours 
Please note that the church office will be closed December 24 - Jan 1 for Christmas holidays. Regular office hours will resume Thursday, January 2nd. 

The office is regularly open:
Tuesdays - Thursdays 9AM-5PM (closed for lunch)
Fridays 9AM - noon
Mondays by appointment

Christmas Eve service
New Year Blessing
New Year's greetings to all of our Butler family! As we enter this new season, may you continue to lean into Hope, share Peace, seek Joy, and live out the Love we have in Christ! 


Butler Cultural Celebration Night
Children's Ministry Update
We praise God for the many new faces we’ve seen during our Sunday school classes recently! We are now in need of volunteers to help during both service times. Thank you for pouring out to our children, loving on them, challenging them and most importantly teaching them about Jesus. If you are interested in volunteering, contact our Children's Ministry director, Maria Galvan
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Community Meal Highlights
We had a great evening together at our August Community Meal ! We filled up the Family Center, and enjoyed a delicious meal of “tacos al vapor” which quickly vaporized! There was birthday cake for dessert to celebrate all the August birthdays. After dinner there was a powerful worship time in the Sanctuary lead by the FPU college hour team, Pastor Elbio shared his inspiring faith journey in the Family Center, and our Children's Ministry Director organized a great time for the children.  
- August 2024

Council Update
A Council Connection update is provided throughout the year to highlight recent church council agenda items and decisions. If you have a suggested agenda item for the church council or any questions or concerns, please share them with the council member for your congregation. The council generally meets the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Butler Cafe is Back! 
Our time together between services is an important part of our fellowship as one church, and a great place to share stories together. Join us for Butler Café Sundays at 10:15am for coffee and connection time! Our café team is still forming, and is in need of a few more people to join in! If you would like to take turns in the Sunday schedule to make coffee/tea & serve goodies, in a safe and welcoming way, talk with a pastor or let the church office know! Thanks.  
- October 2021

Living Your Life on Mission
Thrift Store Volunteers
The MCC thrift store welcomes your donations of good-quality, clean, gently used clothing. They are also in need of more volunteers! For more information call 559-515-6362 or visit the store on Blackstone (at 6687, south of Herndon). Donations are received Monday through Friday, 10 AM—5:30 PM, and on Saturdays, 10 AM—3:30 PM. You can follow Thrift on Blackstone on Facebook also!.

Food Distribution Ministry Highlights
Our food distribution ministry continues on the first Friday of the month. Thank you to our Butler volunteers who have been serving, helping the process to go smoothly with the new health guidelines in place. About 150 households are provided food regularly, serving over 300 people each month. Volunteers are always needed and welcome! To help, contact us- posted 2020

Looking for earlier Butler news stories? You can visit our news archive here.

Subscribe to our weekly or monthly Buzz newsletter for more updates & ministry highlights. 

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