
Advent Season 2023

> Christmas Eve details

Advent is the season that joyfully anticipates the coming of Jesus Christ. As we look back to recall the birth of Jesus, we also look forward to Christ’s victorious return. The four Sundays of advent traditionally involve lighting a candle on the advent wreath, each representing themes of this season: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, and Christ - the Light come into the world.

Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome to join in as we celebrate this special time of anticipation, in each of our congregations - with various languages & cultures!

* See below for Sunday worship times.

Advent Series in Common Ground

Our Common Ground congregation is considering How Does A Weary World Rejoice? Those in the nativity story also experienced uncertainty, hardship, but chose connection, openness, and honest questions. Come join in as we explore these themes together. Common Ground meets in the sanctuary Sundays at 10:45am following our Butler Cafe time in the courtyard. Find out more about Common Ground here.

Christmas Eve Service

Join us on December 24th from 5:00-6:00 pm for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. All are welcome! We are looking forward celebrating the themes of Advent together: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and Christ. We will conclude the evening with our tradition of singing carols outdoor by candlelight. Find out more about our Christmas Eve service here.

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Morning Worship Services

All are welcome to join us for worship on Sundays, in person or online. Children's activities are planned as well. 

Christmas Eve Sunday worship schedule:
9:00 AM  
10:45 AM  
Common Ground and Amor y Fe (Spanish)
12:30 PM
Asian Grace lunch & worship (Lao)


Butler Church is on the corner of Butler & Winery in Southeast Fresno: 

4884 E. Butler Ave, Fresno CA 93727

Parking is available in the main lot off of Butler Ave. as well as along the street. See you soon!

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Food Distribution

On the first Friday of every month, free food is available on a first-come, first served basis starting at 9AM. Bring a valid ID and proof of residence (a bill with your current address). If you would like to volunteer, please contact the church office. 559-252-3741. The next distribution will be on January 5

More Info

Visit our Events page for info on more upcoming events.
Have a prayer request or want to send a message? Visit our Connect page here. Hope to see you soon!

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