Sermon Archives

Audio and Video Recordings

Livestream recordings are available on our Butler Church YouTube channel.

Playlist links and info on previous sermon series are below.

 Summer Series: The Parables of Jesus 
Common Ground's summer series was called Ears to Hear: The Parables of Jesus. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a spiritual truth, and Jesus used them often in his teaching. Here is a simple list of the parables of Jesus. These weeks were about studying and listening to these stories to put our hearing to the test; to seek to hear the truth Jesus has for us through his Word. You can catch past weeks of the Ears to Hear series here on YouTube.
- August 2022 
Growing Resolve Series 
At the start of this year, our Common Ground congregation focused on about living with more than a new year’s resolution, but with Resolve. To do this, we need spiritual practices that focus our faith. Each week, through the Growing Resolve series we learned about this and practical ways to put these into action. You can find videos from this series our Facebook page or YouTube channel (see links below). The next series in Common Ground is called "Filled to the Brim: An Expansive Lent." - February 2022

Common Ground congregation

Previous weeks in Common Ground can be found here.

Amor y Fe playlist on Youtube 

includes: April and May 2020

Amor y Fe playlist on Youtube 

includes: April and May 2020

Previous sermon series may be available as audio files; contact the church office for more information.

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