Farmer's Market | July 30
Fruits & Veggies
Join us between 5:30-8:00 pm on July 30! The food stands will be in the small parking lot, and dinner and activities in the courtyard with tables and shade.
Dinner & Snacks
Free Hamburgers and hot dogs grilled up on the spot! Popcorn and sno cones, too!
Kids' Activities
Update! Wild Child Adventures will be here with balloons and bubble activities! Plus kidsd will love the games, and family entertainment!
Live Music, Dance, and and an inspirational message from Pastor Marcus Marshall of Peoples Church.
Butler Church is on the corner of Butler & Winery in Southeast Fresno:
4884 E. Butler Ave, Fresno CA 93727
Parking is available in the main lot off of Butler Ave. See you soon!
Stay tuned for details on our next outdoor Movie Night!